Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Make Time Now So You Can Have More Time Later!

What Free Time?

   Yes, I hear you yelling, “What free time?” Leisure time is a thing of the past. I have to work all day and study all night. I barely have time to sleep.

   You indeed have free time…free time to watch television…free time to watch your Facebook friends publicize every moment of their lives, and don’t forget you have time to read the stream of status updates on Twitter. Certainly, you have some type of spare time. If not, you should make time. It’s your health!

Why am I so worried about your free time?

   You guessed it right! Exercising in your free time can lead to a longer life. Unfortunately, people in developing and developed nations as the United States are becoming increasingly physically inactive. With the improvement of technology, more people are sitting all day instead of doing physical labor. With longer commutes, people are riding in cars instead of walking and biking to work. A study published this month reports that leisure time physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of premature death compared to no physical activity.  Other interesting facts in the study include:
  •  Physical activity equivalent to brisk walking up to 75 minutes a week was associated with an increase in life expectancy of 1.2 years in comparison to no physical activity
  • Physical activity equivalent to brisk walking for at least 150 minutes a week (the recommended amount) was linked to a gain of 3.4 to 4.5 years
  •  A physically active normal weight person was associated with a gain of 7.2 years of life relative to an inactive very overweight person

How do you make physical activity an everyday routine?

   You make time for everything else; now is the time to take care of you. Even First Lady Michelle Obama finds some spare time to work out.  Mrs. Obama says, “I have a pretty well rounded routine that incorporates cardio, some weights -- but nothing heavy, nothing dramatic -- and plyometric and things like that, which is a lot of body movement. You're using your own body weight to get the exercise in." If she has the time, then you can definitely make the time.

She makes time!!!

How do you find motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting off your couch?

   Just think about how you will feel after the workout. You will feel rejuvenated after working off all the stress! Another way to motivate yourself is to post a blog telling people you’re going to lose weight and record your exercise daily. You’ll make it happen because you don’t want them to think you’re a quitter.

Key takeaways…

   If you already participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate to rigorous physical activity a week, pat yourself on the back and know your hard work is not in vain! Job well done on increasing longevity! On the other hand, if you are not physically active (even if your goal is not weight loss), participation in physical activity is vital to increasing your life expectancy.

   So before you pick up that remote to watch the next episode of The Walking Dead, get out and go for a brisk walk. Just some simple exercise can make you live years longer. If you are not self-motivated, then do it for your family who will love to see you here as long as they can.

Citation: Moore SC, Patel AV, Matthews CE, Berrington de Gonzalez A, Park Y, et al. (2012) Leisure Time Physical Activity of Moderate to Vigorous Intensity and Mortality: A Large Pooled Cohort Analysis. PLoS Med 9(11): e1001335. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001335

Domonique Watson is a first year doctoral student in the Biostatistics/Bioinformatics Department at Emory University. Even though she does not have much leisure time to write (because her goofy two-year-old son consumes all her spare time), enjoyed writing this blog and thinks she may do more blogging in the near future.


  1. Hey Domonique, nice blog, really interesting stuff. You have to wonder what it is that motivates people to exercise. Personally I think the primary reason people exercise is to look good... I don't think teenagers and young adults are really all that concerned with extending their lifespan from 79 to 81 years. And the muscleheads at the gym, some of them might be health nuts but I think most are there to get big muscles and impress girls. Just my $.02!

  2. Hi Domonique, Great post! I love that you used Michelle Obama as "if she has time, you have time example"!

  3. Hi Domonique, it is a very good post! It makes me think of my own (sometimes successful) efforts to get off the couch:) I like the conversational tone and the picture. You may add some more practical advice on physical activity as everyday routine, like taking the stairs instead of elevators, parking on the farthest lot in the mall, standing while talking over the phone etc. Betting on money with friends on weight loss may also work, as some research demonstrated.

  4. Great post! Being in public health I know that I should be physically active for a lot of reasons, but it's easy to forget these when I busy doing what seems more important at the time. So, it's good to be reminded why I should take a break and workout.

  5. Hi Domonique,

    Very nice post -- and certainly a very applicable topic to a whole lot of people. Your tone and language level is great. Very understandable and approachable. The question/answer and bullet point formatting also makes the whole thing very easy to read.

    I found your title and introduction a little bit confusing. Your topic wasn't clear until the third paragraph. Your key message is so good -- "Exercising in your free time can lead to a longer life." It would be nice to see this sooner. Your reader would be immediately oriented to the information you are about to share with them.

    I love the key takeaways section. It's always good to have another reason to put off some schoolwork and go for a nice long walk.

    Great job,

  6. Wow - those are some shocking stats that make me feel more than a little ashamed of my lack of physical activity! Also, I love the picture of Michelle Obama with Ellen -- that was great (plus the description of how she stays active without a bunch of fancy stuff).

    Overall, I think the tone of your post was great. I think there area few parts where you could have simplified a little, for example:

    - A physically active normal weight person was associated with a gain of 7.2 years of life relative to an inactive very overweight person

    ---> On average, a person with normal weight who exercised lived more than 7 years longer than someone who was very overweight and didn't exercise.

    (Sometimes we get caught up in the exact numbers, but I think rounding to the nearest whole number is ok in this case.)

    Also, have you heard of GirlTrek ( I know the women who started it, and they are very inspirational. I think you'd find them interesting (and maybe want to start a trek team yourself)!

    Nice work!

  7. Great post. I really like how you started by pointing out that we do have more time than we think so that we don't use lack of time as an excuse for physical inactivity. I also like the research findings relating to the health benefits of physical activity. Good job.

  8. Dominique-

    Very interesting post! It was very relatable. It was catchy when you started out talking about free time and then led into exercising. I wanted to keep reading through to see what you were going to talk about! And putting in the picture of Ellen and Michelle Obama brought more weight to what you discussed in your blog, in my opinion. Great work!
